
My mission is to give you the guidance you need to heal deeply and move past blocks so you can create a truly fulfilling life.

Let’s face it. Life can be rough, unpredictable, and downright painful at times. Such chaos is all part of our beautiful human experience. But, that doesn’t make it any less difficult.

The good news is that you don’t have to feel alone and lost.

The answers you’re seeking are available for you. They just may be in a place you’ve never thought to look.

Over the last 20 years, I’ve worked with people from all walks of life, from Fortune 500 CEOs, business owners, and celebrities to single moms, teachers, and local lawyers. Each has come to me when they’ve needed guidance from someone they trust.

As one of the top tested psychic mediums in the world, I’ve dedicated myself to perfecting my abilities. I can quickly and accurately channel information to help you uncover the secrets of your own life patterns, as well as accurately point you in the direction of a successful future. I connect to and receive detailed guidance from the archangel Gabriel as well as from my clients’ higher selves or Spirit Guides. In addition to working with clients, I’ve also helped law enforcement around the country.

But, I’m much more than just your psychic medium.

I’m also a champion of your healing and fulfillment! In all my readings, I give you the tools you need to step onto your soul’s highest path. A reading is fabulous on it’s own, but you still need to take the needed steps to make that reading a reality.

Ultimately, I’m here to give you the answers that are waiting for you, to heal your hurts, and to empower you to become your divine self.

Now, onto the nitty-gritty details…

Bee-ing Psychic: Why I Know a Thing or Two

My psychic medium experiences began at an early age. And, it completely freaked me out! I mean, can you imagine going to an all-girls sleep-away camp and waking up to find yourself looking through an old man in a whimsical floppy hat?! When I reached out my hand, he just disappeared. Yikes!

I grew up in the heartland of America – Cincinnati, Ohio. That’s fitting: my last name “Herz” means Heart!

Early on, I had many psychic experiences. I would know little things, like whether school was going to be canceled and who my girlfriends would fall for. I can also remember my mom having prophetic dreams that were uncannily accurate. This impressed me but unnerved my mother. (Sheesh!)

As time went on, it got so I could predict the future. There was no getting around it. And it was scary! Discovering a heart attack would soon befall a friend’s mother and having that confirmed “in real life” was too much to handle. So I matured into my role of HELPING people with my psychic ability, instead of shutting down. I’d consider – why do I have this information, what responsibility should I take, what is the next right thing to do with this incontrovertible psychic knowledge?

So in my early 20s, I handled my psychic knowledge delicately, suggesting to relatives of people in trouble what actions they might take NOW to head problems off at the pass.

As time went on, I kept my psychic medium talents under wraps and focused on other things. I graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a B.F.A.I.D. (Bachelors of Fine Art in Industrial Design). My careers have included being an Industrial Designer and a Marketing Associate for some major corporations. I’m also a Massage Therapist and earned my certification in massage from the famous Kripalu Center in Lenox, Massachusetts. Who knew I’d become one of the best psychics in the USA?

But, of course, life continually nudged me toward my true calling. It got to the point where I couldn’t ignore it any longer. So, I followed my heart and walked away from my full-time job in marketing. There was no way around it. It was time to “own” my gift and do readings for clients full-time.

I remember that first day waiting by the phone, being so worried no one would call!

But, with purpose, dedication and passion things took off. I’m a big believer that life opens doors when you follow your heart.

Over the years, I’ve read for thousands of people from all over the world. I’ve also been tested for accuracy by Bob Olsen, the top psychic medium researcher in the world.

Ultimately, each and every person I’ve read for has touched my heart. Working with you is a true privilege that I don’t take lightly.

To Be…Bee!

Guess what? I’m a regular Joe just like you.

Starbucks in the morning to wake up. (Skinny vanilla latte actually.) Okay, okay… once in awhile, I also splurge on a special sugar-laden treat. Speaking of sugar, I should exercise more, but I hate it. I also buy way too many books and skin products. My guilty pleasure is reality TV. (Shh!) I have a weakness for sushi, the strawberry popsicles at our local health food store, and any song by George Michael. Though I’m in the midst of perfecting my scrabble strategy, I’m hard to beat at backgammon.

See, it’s all very normal.



Professional Bio

Bee Herz is an internationally renowned psychic medium, intuitive coach, and spiritual expert. Tested for accuracy by Bob Olson, one of the world’s leading psychic medium researchers, Bee is known for her detailed insights and uncanny ability to guide people to profound healing and transformation. She has been featured on several TV and radio shows.