Mediumship Reading

Do you wonder if your deceased loved ones are still with you?

Are you in pain over the death of someone close to you?

Do you feel certain things were left unsaid before someone passed over?

Over the past 20 years, I’ve delivered countless heartwarming messages from loved-ones in spirit. Each and every reading has deeply touched my soul. The profound healing that takes place for my clients after a mediumship reading is one of the reasons I am so humbled to be doing this work.

Here’s what to expect during our mediumship reading:

  • I begin the reading by bringing in evidence and sharing details about your loved one. As an evidentiary medium, I’ll give you specific information about your loved one. This way, you’ll know exactly who I’m connecting with on the other side. Then I share messages your loved on has for you.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions. Be sure to write some questions out ahead of time so you don’t forget anything.
  • This is a chance for you to connect with your loved ones. However, there is no guarantee one particular loved one will come through. For example, even though you may want to talk to your sister, a message from your grandmother may be more important. Your loved ones in spirit also still have free will.
  • All readings are 100% confidential.
  • I offer 60-minute mediumship readings over the phone.
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