Love of Leaves

Love of Leaves!


What is it about walking on a trail with a special someone that makes us Fall even deeper into love this time of year?

The smells, colors of the season, the “I need hot cider” moment, crackling fire or is it the brief-leafness-of-the-moment? I think they all contribute to form a deep yearning inside that wants us to nest and seek shelter.

The briefness of Fall, particularly in my part of the country up in the Rocky Mountains is so bittersweet. The leaves are so brilliantly glorious today and the temperature is a pleasant 72 degrees. Yet, there is a storm brewing with clouds moving in this afternoon and a forecast of up to 20 inches of snow for tonight.

I must keep reminding myself to enjoy today, this very moment, and keep looking at the golden leaves of aspens. Those forever-in-motion aspen leaves–even when there seems no breeze!

Fall is Spirit’s reminder to enjoy this present moment and love those leaves; as, soon they disappear!