Honesty is the foundation of a relationship
You can love someone even when they are being an ass
You can want to be with someone even if you know that it is not in your best interests
Someone can say they love you and still lie, cheat and steal
You are responsible for how you respond to crappy behavior
Even when you think everything is peachy, someone may leave
Accept that you will never truly know someone
When someone shows you who they are, believe them and act accordingly
You can love a bad person
It is up to you to feel and hear the truth
Stand up for your hopes and dreams and if someone loves you, they will be supportive
Remember you are worth love and worth being treated with respect
When someone hurts you to the point you can’t breathe, know that this is the time to BREATHE
Someone can just as easily walk out of your life as they walked into your life
If someone is not with you, it is because they do not want to be ~ Period.
Forgiveness is Divine
If someone leaves you, you can still love them ~ It’s okay
If someone leaves you, you can hate them ~ It’s okay
You can cry over every little thing
Do not let anyone tell you “You should be over it”
When you’re ready, choose to dream about a new life
You did the right thing ~ Unless you didn’t ~ Either way, forgive yourself and MOVE ON
Whatever reason your ex left you is not a reflection of who you are
You will love again
Keep your heart open even if you’re afraid
Do not run. Stay in the game. You will be glad in the long run
Try ~ Try ~ Try
It doesn’t matter if someone didn’t love you back like you loved them ~ They can’t because they are not you
When someone treats you like crap, walk away
When your heart is broken, you are the best repair person ~ Not another person, place or thing
Realize the love you felt was brought by you
Everyone has loved an ass ~ This too shall pass
If someone does not want you, listen to them and accept what they are saying
Focus on yourself and you will always have a reason to live
When you feel like you are dying from a broken heart, watch a sappy movie and cry some more
Place all photos in a drawer and don’t peak
Take the high road. If you happen to slip onto the low road, apologize and return to the high road
Their family is not your family. Yes, the loss hurts. Accept their belief that blood is thicker than water
The more shocking someone’s behavior, the more reason to leave or be glad they left
Someone doesn’t leave you for a fairytale, better life ~ They just walk into another relationship with all their same problems and maybe more than you’ve seen ~ Your ex didn’t turn into a better person after they left you ~ Really!!!
You will be happy again and this is an universal truth and law
If you allow yourself, you will gain great knowledge about yourself to attract a better life and mate
Keep breathing
Talk about your ex until you are sick of hearing yourself
Your love still lives on inside of you ~ This may be painful ~ Then beautiful
Be open to everything ~ Accept it all ~ Say yes to new things
You can think terrible revenge thoughts about your ex ~ Just don’t do them
Write letters to your ex ~ Do not send them ~ Keep writing
Remember to sleep, eat and take care of yourself
Remember to wake up, put down the candy bars and take care of yourself
You will make it
You are stronger than you realize
Life is still going on around you waiting for you to step back in
Lost love may lead you to great love